How It Works

Online Wellness Leaders can help you achieve your goals with physician and registered dieticians designed daily meal plans, grocery lists, app integration and exercise programs. The value of these customized programs is significant. Imagine the costs associated with seeing a registered dietician or hiring a personal trainer! Our monthly customized plans provide you with the same results you would achieve at an extremely affordable price!

Dr. OWL cares about your overall health. Meal plans are tailored for your medical needs. Dr. OWL also provides a diverse number of the most popular and dependable diet plans to get to your desired weight. From Ketogenic, Paleo, Mediterranean to Vegan, Vegetarian, Kosher, Muscle Building and so much more! OWL understands the national problem of childhood obesity, so we offer meal plans for children and teenagers.

Don't like a particular meal? No problem! There are substitutable choices to please your palate. Not happy with your plan? You can always change it or cancel at any time with a 30-day notice.


Popular Diets


A variation of a regular low carb diet plan, a ketogenic diet plan limits the amount of carbohydrate and protein allowed on a daily basis.


A Paleo diet involves eating meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, little starch, some fruit, and no sugar. This means no grains, legumes, dairy, alcohol, and staying away from all processed foods.


These templates are full of simple meal ideas that are completely gluten-free. They incorporate foods that are naturally free of gluten as well as specialized foods that are produced without gluten.


These menus are geared toward the older woman going through menopause. At this time in a woman’s life, diet is especially important to health and well being. These menus meet the needs of these women.


The Low Fat Vegetarian template is very popular amongst adults to burn fat and maintain muscle. Protein sources are provided by tofu and soy products, beans, peanuts and some diary in the form of cheese and milk (no eggs).


Designed with the hard-gainer in mind. This template has been designed to work in conjunction with a regular weight training program to stimulate muscle tissue growth.

Meal Plans Based on Your Personal Information

OWL DIET COACH ( caters to the health of individuals including children of all ages, to companies seeking to provide diet and exercise programs to their employees and to physicians, chiropractors, medspas, personal trainers, physical therapists and other wellness professionals to resell to your patients or clients.




Track Your Progress
Track Your Progress
  • Meal plan reports
  • Grocery list reports
  • Nutrient analysis reports
  • Calorie tracking reports
  • Exercise log reports
Integration & Support
Integration & Support
  • Food Barcode Scanner
  • Fitbit wearables syncronization
  • Daily inspirational messages to app
  • Video tutorial training
  • Chat customer support
Easy Meal Planning
Easy Meal Planning
  • Step-by-step Recipes
  • Grocery Lists
  • Custom recipe creator
  • Food log to track calories consumed
  • Excercise log to track calories burned


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